A slightly different Secret Santa

Published: December 7, 2022

At the end of October our Residential Property Manager, Jacqui Dougray, emailed all the staff and partners and suggested that this year, rather than organising the annual firm-wide Secret Santa, people might consider donating either money or food/staple household items to the local charity, CFine (Community Food Initiatives North East).  It was immediately obvious that the whole firm wanted to get on board. 

Over the following weeks there have been gentle reminders of deadlines and offers of help to organise food collection points and liaising with those involved in the initiative, including the partners at Stronachs who let Jacqui know they wanted to match the support shown by staff by donating £2,000 from the firm to add to the cash and goods already collected.    

On 7 December Jacqui and Owen loaded up the company car with a mountain of shopping and made a different style of Secret Santa delivery to CFine HQ, who wanted the ensure the staff and partners were thanked … ‘over the moon’ was the term they used.  A second ‘sleigh run’ from our Inverness office to Blythswood, a similar charity based in the Highlands, took place the following day.   

It is the case that for many years there has been careful thought put into many of the secret santa purchases, with gifts that have made whole departments laugh and wonder who was brave enough to buy such an apt gift for the person or partner in question. However, it has been agreed throughout the firm that this year’s suggestion was a much better idea, with a positive outcome for all those involved – thanks to all who donated and in particular to Jacqui for pulling it together.