Charity & Third Sector

Delivering vital professional support to good causes

Charity & Third Sector

Charity and third sector organisations provide an indispensable source of support for charitable projects across Scotland.

At Stronachs we act for a number of local and national charities which undertake a broad range of activities in areas such as health, social care, welfare support and education.

Charitable organisations face stringent regulation with continually evolving legislation creating a constant challenge to those operating in the sector. As a full-service firm, we have the technical expertise to assist voluntary and community groups with all aspects of regulatory and commercial matters.

Whether large or small, local or national, Stronachs’ charity and third sector team can offer the help and support required.  Working with you to ensure that your charity or group takes the most suitable form for your requirements.

We can assist with all aspects of setting up a new charity from initial tax advice to helping you choose the appropriate legal form, such as a trust, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (“SCIO”), unincorporated organisation or charitable company.  We can also advise on how the charity should operate. 

In order to support others we understand your organisation needs support too and we are committed to providing you with the advice and assistance you need to achieve your aims.


Creation and structure


Property – leasing and acquisition

Key Contacts

To make an enquiry, please contact a member of staff below or call 01224 845 845

Karen Oliver

Legal Director, Private Client
T: 01224 845 841
M: 07425 142222

Jaclyn E.P. Russell

Partner, Head of Private Client
T: 01224 845 858
M: 07884 658 473

Liz Stewart

Partner, Commercial Property
T: 01224 845 859
M: 07587 034 705